The woman is concerned about his incestuous relationships with the deceased emperor, and she fears some of that evil seed has been passed onto her son, the young Nero. And thus, it’s time for a rendezvous between Laurentius and Agrippina, mother of Nero.

Only those who were close to Caligula can detect the presence of this evil.

In order to kill Caligula, Junius and centurion Laurentius found a weakness in the demonic creature that possessed the ruler of Rome. Caligula is long gone but his phantasm remains. Writer David Lapham returns to the Roman Empire during the era of Claudius. In the first Caligula miniseries, the emperor of Rome was the epitome of power, which was expressed in every possible facet: politics, sexuality and supernatural abilities. I have explained that sometimes, rulers must also be in charge of what happens in the bedchamber.