Or give the player a reliable way to fight back. Just lay off the Grim Dark Bullshit dude.

** Do note: I said time jump, to get her to age appropriate. Because the only one that can see the daughter cumming from that point would be the MC ) You could actually INVERT Naruto, with the MC as the hero in this case, and follow an unexpected path to a similar outcome as Hinata and Naruto. Or just absolutely keep him – and this thwarts the uber bitch whose power we’re borrowing. Who ends up maybe very willing to share him with all her girlfriends, to breed the next generation alongside her. So I doubt she’s going to stop letting him fuck her assuming he can be bothered) ** It’d be funny as fuck if your ultimate Player Win State was actually to time skip like 15 Years, where you broke Hinata and she and demon boy bugger off into the ether to “fix” their severed marriage where their daughter grows up idolizing her “sensei” and becomes MC’s actual wife. No matter whether you BREAK Hinata’s love for Naruto or pursue her in support with the hopes to win her love (which frankly comes off as her accepting a wife sharing path – because she explicitly states she still LOVES Naruto.

BOTH of those should absolutely be viable to pursue. Whoopie! You decided on a CORRUPTION path & a LOVE path. There are WAY too many fail states that don’t need to be in the game.