Users must have administrator privileges on their computer to install ZCO. Alternatively, you can copy the.msi file to a directory that users can access, and instruct your users to download the file directly. The install program for ZCO is in the Windows Installer.msi format so that it can be easily deployed to individual computers using your group policy software deployment process. Downloading the ZCO Installation Program The ZCO.msi file and user instructions can be downloaded from the ZCS administration console s Downloads page. Important: ZCO 6.0 or later will only work with servers running Zimbra Collaboration Suite 6.0 or later. Zimbra Collaboration Suite server-side configuration for accounts is enforced for Outlook users. See Microsoft s support article messages, chat archives, folders, tags, contacts, personal distribution lists, personal calendars, appointment reminders, and tasks are synchronized with the Outlook 2003/2007 client.

Important: Client computers must have Microsoft Office Outlook 2003 SP1 or later installed. ZCO is a MAPI service provider that is installed on users computers.

1 With the Zimbra Collaboration Suite Connector for Outlook (ZCO), users can use Microsoft Outlook 20 to access the Zimbra Collaboration Suite server and synchronize data with Outlook for offline use.