Kol: That's a lot easier to do when you haven't died already once. Rebekah: What happened to the brother I used to know? The one who laughed death in the face. : The whole time you were gone, I thought you'd just up and left without looking.As much as I wished you were here, I was truly happy for you. Everything that you ever wanted and you got it. And then I found out you were the one protecting Hope I had to smile. The whole time you were gone, I thought you'd just up and left without looking back. : Well, I hate being told what to do so I ignored you.Rebekah: Well, I hate being told what to do so I ignored you. Marcel: I thought I told you to stay put. : Funny, isn't it? I've lived a thousand years and now I'm stuck in a body that might swallow.Funny, isn't it? I've lived a thousand years and now I'm stuck in a body that might swallow me whole.