I'm going to try to complete it soon enough, but I may need at least some support from the gaming community to do so, with/through FeedBack and maybe some PlayTesting (here on Steam and/or YouTube maybe.) etc. This tool/program will be 100% free of charge, though it will require you to have a copy of the original game's files when you want to run the levels you've made with it. I also want to make and include my very own custom 50 level set with it!

The game FREDDI FISH AND THE CASE OF THE MISSING KELP SEEDS You can buy the game on one of the game distribution platforms (list above). Why can't the game be downloaded The game FREDDI FISH AND THE CASE OF THE MISSING KELP SEEDS is protected by copyright. Now still at this time, this is a Work-In-Progress project of mine, but when it's finished it will have more features and cababillitys than both the original level editors for the game while still being pretty easy to use etc. Currently, the game cannot be downloaded from our website. This is going to be just that, a FAR more improved and Advanced Level Set Editor for Freddi's Maze Madness! After having plugged the USB drive to you PS3, the installation package should appear in the XMB under the 'Games > Install Package' menu. Well, with my computer programming and image editing skills I've been working on all these years, allow me to introduce what I call: Project ALSE! From a computer, download the installable package of the PS3 port from ScummVMs main site. Well how many of you have been wanting a FAR more improved and Advanced Level Set Editor for this game?. So, I'm sure many of you out there who have been fans of this game know how limited the included stock/kiddy level editor is and in the main game there is MUCH more stuff and content that could've been included in it etc, and you may have heard/seen of the secret tricky-to-use dev's editor hidden in the program.